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Version: 0.17.19


class great_expectations.datasource.data_connector.ConfiguredAssetFilePathDataConnector(name: str, datasource_name: str, assets: dict, execution_engine: Optional[great_expectations.execution_engine.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine] = None, default_regex: Optional[dict] = None, sorters: Optional[list] = None, batch_spec_passthrough: Optional[dict] = None, id: Optional[str] = None)#

The ConfiguredAssetFilePathDataConnector is one of two classes (InferredAssetFilePathDataConnector being the other) designed for connecting to filesystem-like data. This includes files on disk, but also things like S3 object stores, etc:

Being a Configured Asset Data Connector, it requires an explicit list of each Data Asset it can connect to. While this allows for fine-grained control over which Data Assets may be accessed, it requires more setup.

  • name (str) – name of ConfiguredAssetFilePathDataConnector

  • datasource_name (str) – Name of datasource that this DataConnector is connected to

  • assets (dict) – configured assets as a dictionary. These can each have their own regex and sorters

  • execution_engine (ExecutionEngine) – Execution Engine object to actually read the data

  • default_regex (dict) – Optional dict the filter and organize the data_references.

  • sorters (list) – Optional list if you want to sort the data_references

  • batch_spec_passthrough (dict) – dictionary with keys that will be added directly to batch_spec

get_available_data_asset_names() List[str]#

Return the list of asset names known by this DataConnector.


A list of available names