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Version: 0.14.13

How to use the Great Expectations command line interface (CLI)

The Great Expectations command line is organized using a <NOUN> <VERB> syntax. This guide is organized by nouns (datasource, suite, docs) then verbs (new, list, edit, etc).


You can get a list of Great Expectations commands available to you by typing great_expectations --help. Each noun command and each verb sub-command has a description, and should help you find the thing you need.


All Great Expectations commands have help text which you can access by adding --help to the end of a command. For example, by running great_expectations suite new --help you'll see help output for that specific command.

By running great_expectations --help, you will see all top-level commands that are available in the CLI:

$ great_expectations --help
Usage: great_expectations [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Welcome to the great_expectations CLI!

Most commands follow this format: great_expectations <NOUN> <VERB>

The nouns are: checkpoint, datasource, docs, init, project, store, suite,
validation-operator. Most nouns accept the following verbs: new, list,

--version Show the version and exit.
--v3-api / --v2-api Default to v3 (Batch Request) API. Use --v2-api for
v2 (Batch Kwargs) API

-v, --verbose Set great_expectations to use verbose output.
-c, --config TEXT Path to great_expectations configuration file
location (great_expectations.yml). Inferred if not

-y, --assume-yes, --yes Assume "yes" for all prompts.
--help Show this message and exit.

checkpoint Checkpoint operations
datasource Datasource operations
docs Data Docs operations
init Initialize a new Great Expectations project.
project Project operations
store Store operations
suite Expectation Suite operations

You can further explore available options and commands with the --help flag, for example:

$ great_expectations datasource --help
Using v3 (Batch Request) API
Usage: great_expectations datasource [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Datasource operations

--help Show this message and exit.

delete Delete the datasource specified as an argument
list List known Datasources.
new Add a new Datasource to the data context.

An existing data context can be provided with the variable GE_HOME, for example:

export GE_HOME="${HOME}/ge_dir_1/great_expectations"
great_expectations datasource list

Shell autocompletion for the CLI

If you want to enable autocompletion for the Great Expectations CLI, you can execute following commands in your shell (or add them to your .bashrc/.zshrc or ~/.config/fish/completions/):

$ eval "$(_GREAT_EXPECTATIONS_COMPLETE=source_bash great_expectations)"
$ eval "$(_GREAT_EXPECTATIONS_COMPLETE=source_zsh great_expectations)"
$ eval (env _GREAT_EXPECTATIONS_COMPLETE=source_fish great_expectations)

(you'll have to create a ~/.config/fish/completions/ file).

Alternatively, if you don't want the eval command to slow down your shell startup time, you can instead add the commands as a script to your shell profile. For more info, see the official Click documentation